An absolute treat for my lens and my stomach!
Food photography has always caught my eye. ;-) I have dabbled with it through the years, but haven't truly pursued it as a branch of my work. That may change after this delightful and exciting experience!

Robinson Charcuterie is run by a very dear friend of mine. She started the company out of a love for beautiful charcuterie boards, and a pandemic hobby turned profitable. Thank goodness, because the boards that she puts together are nothing short of mouth watering and a true treat to behold!
Lucky gal that I am, as Alex was gearing up for holiday sales she asked if I would help her film a board making class for a client, and also take pictures for her coming new website.
The added benefit? I got to help eat the board after we finished!
There is true joy in being given the space to just play!
We have known each other for a long time, since Alex was a teenager in fact! Throughout the years, we have worked together in so many different capacities I have completely lost track. Out of that a true and deep friendship has developed, and with that friendship has come an immense amount of trust.
Basically, she just let me be nerdy and go nuts!
I got to obsess of the littlest details, and truly enjoy playing around with which parts of the board to showcase. The result - images that make your mouth water!
Getting to geek out over such delicious food and incredibly fun detail has sparked something in me.
Know someone who needs food images? I am more than happy to oblige!
Be sure to check out Robinson Charcuterie! Website coming soon!
Instagram: @robinsoncharcuterie